Posted in Camp Sites

Croft Farm Water Park, Tewkesbury – The Big Bennett Meet Up Weekend (plus 2 Glovers!)

©Jez Bennett

15 – 17 July 2022

This weekend was all about the Big Bennett Meet Up Weekend. In attendance were:
Mr & Mrs Bennett Senior
Jez, Niki and Elijah Bennett
Toby & Nicole
Jack & Rosie

Here they all are (except me…Mrs B)

It was so hot all weekend and temperatures reached the high 20’s. We had some sun worshippers in the group but some needed help cooling down.

We spent the weekend paddle boarding, kayaking, eating, drinking, laughing and having a good old catch up.

In our previous Croft Farm blog we discussed the poor facilities but avoided them this time choosing to turn a blind eye. If you want to read that blog click here

Unlike me (Sam) I didn’t take many photos at all probably due to being in the moment and enjoying the company but I have cobbled together a gallery from different sources which hopefully will give you a sense of place.

And around Duggie

Whilst packing up I (Sam) got a call to say my mom had been rushed to hospital so it was straight to the hospital and an abrupt end to a lovely weekend.

Update: mom is doing well and out of hospital having had a pacemaker fitted. She spent a week in hospital and a week at our house and she was more than ready to return home.

Posted in Camp Sites

Glanllyn Caravan Park, Lake Bala

8 – 10 July 2022

I know what you’re thinking…not another Lake Bala blog! It really is a lovely place and the lake is perfect for paddle boarding and kayaking as that’s what everyone is doing.

We were blessed with glorious sunshine for the whole trip which makes it even more enjoyable especially if your names Buddy and you’ve managed to escape your tether…

Mr B and Master B went out on the kayak early doors.

Master B is yet to get the paddle boarding bug and has so far resisted even trying it out. That was until a little encouragement and a slight push got him out on the board for the first time.

No seriously…he did get on his feet too.

and then he caught the bug! Absolutely loves it and incredibly talented at it too.

Once Buddy saw Master B on the paddle board he was keen to try it out.

Wait until we get you a buoyancy aid Buddy!

We had a mad ten minutes with Mr fussy pants needing some attention.

If anyone is wondering what kind of a man Mr B is then this photo should say it all.

carrying both boards so Mrs B doesn’t hurt her back (it’s fragile)

Always the gentleman! I did manage my paddle though lol.

Do we still have catalogues in 2022? If we do, we’re available for pennies lol…

So that just leaves the Buddy gallery to end another great weekend at Glanllyn Caravan Park, Lake Bala.