Posted in Camp Sites

Croft Farm Water Park, Tewkesbury – The Big Bennett Meet Up Weekend (plus 2 Glovers!)

©Jez Bennett

15 – 17 July 2022

This weekend was all about the Big Bennett Meet Up Weekend. In attendance were:
Mr & Mrs Bennett Senior
Jez, Niki and Elijah Bennett
Toby & Nicole
Jack & Rosie

Here they all are (except me…Mrs B)

It was so hot all weekend and temperatures reached the high 20’s. We had some sun worshippers in the group but some needed help cooling down.

We spent the weekend paddle boarding, kayaking, eating, drinking, laughing and having a good old catch up.

In our previous Croft Farm blog we discussed the poor facilities but avoided them this time choosing to turn a blind eye. If you want to read that blog click here

Unlike me (Sam) I didn’t take many photos at all probably due to being in the moment and enjoying the company but I have cobbled together a gallery from different sources which hopefully will give you a sense of place.

And around Duggie

Whilst packing up I (Sam) got a call to say my mom had been rushed to hospital so it was straight to the hospital and an abrupt end to a lovely weekend.

Update: mom is doing well and out of hospital having had a pacemaker fitted. She spent a week in hospital and a week at our house and she was more than ready to return home.

Posted in Camp Sites

Croft Farm Water Park, Tewkesbury

17 – 19 June 2022

With a big beautiful blue lake, Croft Farm was the obvious choice for our next Paddle boarding trip. Easily accessible form the M5 motorway with no narrow roads making the it an ideal motorhome journey.

You have to check in first at the reception which doesn’t have parking for motorhomes or caravans so its a quick perch blocking in other cars before heading to our pitch. Once there we didn’t know whether we needed to pitch to the left or right as there’s normally site rules and we found out that with gravel pitches even the canopy needs to be on the gravel which isn’t ideal but rules are rules.

On the day of arrival the weather was glorious and the males decided to go straight onto the lake with their paddle boards.

Unfortunately I got mainly videos which I can’t add to this site so this is the only photo I have of Mr B on a paddle board!

After such a beautiful day we relaxed in the evening ready for a full day of paddle boarding and kayaking the next day…however, it rained all day. Dark skies and cold winds meant a day of games in the motorhome.

Even though we have a sink for washing up, we tend to use the site washing up facilities to reduce the need to fill up with water and empty the grey waste. The washing up facilities at Croft Farm are by far the worst we’ve ever seen. There was no shelter so if it rains all day you have to wash up in the rain. The sink were constantly blocked and full of rancid dirty water so we never actually successfully washed up on site. I felt very sorry for the tenters who had to other way of washing up. This site charges premium prices for their pitches but the facilities are well below par. The toilet and shower block was uncomfortable to use with very basic cover between cubicles. Again if you pay basic prices you don’t mind but our pitch cost £42 a night.

Having said that despite the facilities the main draw is the lake and that is probably the reason for the high pitch price.

Buddy is definitely living his best life having been with us for 17 months and very settle into life with Duggie’s Adventures.

Of course the weekend was also about celebrating fathers day and these two came to join us for the evening.