Posted in Camp Sites

Porth Beach Holiday Park – Newquay

11 – 15 April 2022

We had a nice easy drive from Combe Martin to Newquay, stopping at Widemouth Bay for lunch on the way.

The sun came out and lit up the beach in all its sandy glory which made our detour so worth while. We stayed in Widemouth Bay in Summer 2020 and thoroughly enjoyed it, such a lovely part of the world. You will find our Widemouth Bay blog here:

Widemouth Bay Blog Summer 2020

After our gorgeous lunch stop off we arrived at Porth Beach Holiday Park in Newquay, Cornwall to a friendly welcome from the site staff.

The site wasn’t too busy so our pitch was in a quiet location.

The next day we had a walk into Newquay even though rain was forecast.

Coming out of the campsite and across the road to Porth Beach, we took the coast path into Newquay town. We walked past Lusty Glaze Beach and Tolcarne Beach, both idilic with steps down for access.

Unfortunately the heavens opened up and we were ducking in and out of doorways the rest of the journey so we didn’t manage to get any more photos.

Newquay has a Blue Reef Aquarium that we visited the next day.

Newquay has a lot to offer but we mainly stuck to the campsite and Porth Beach.

Porth Beach is vast and ideal for watersports, especially when the tide is in as its quite shallow so boarding is popular.

Back at the site we had a lovely sunny day and relaxed in the sunshine whilst playing some games.

Buddy needed a relax after all the ball chasing (even though he wasn’t part of the game!)

An added bonus of staying near to a major town is the ability to order dinner on deliveroo and Just Eat so we made the most of it and only had to cook for one night which fell to Mr B…

Buddy there waiting for his sausages to cook!

On that same evening we had lovely sunset.

Newquay has a lot to offer but what we found most enjoyable was the ability to either fully relax or immerse yourself in the town and its surroundings.

Next to Porth Beach is Porth Island which offers stunning views of Newquay. Its has a dedicated path up to the island point but the cliffs are high and without barriers, Buddy had to be put on his lead at certain points.

We now realise that Duggie is rapidly becoming Buddy’s van. He’s at his most relaxed when we’re travelling and despite his many anxieties he’s incredibly chilled when he’s having a beer with his dad.

We had a great time in Newquay and each day was different to the other. It’s off to Ilfracombe next so we’ll see you there.

Posted in Camp Sites

Widemouth Bay

27 – 29 July 2020

Widemouth Bay Caravan Park is John Fowler site so there is a restaurant/pub on site, a shop and some entertainment facilities. As we’re in a pandemic we didn’t use any of them so I can’t comment.

The site was easy to find and pitching was simple. We had to fill up the tank before pitching as the tap was further than our hose would reach and grey waste disposal was close to the shower block.

After a quick set up and a very short relax the rain once again came pouring down. At this point we’d had three days of rain on and off and it was starting to grate on us a little. Theres only so many games of battleships you can play!

After spending the afternoon reading and making a curry for dinner, the rain stopped, the sun came out and we we were able to see the sea for the first time and the site looked a whole lot more pleasant.

By night fall we were able to enjoy this beautiful sunset.

Day two in Widemouth Bay came with two reasons to celebrate.

  1. The rain had well and truly gone and the sun was out to party.
  2. We had a birthday boy in our midst.

Normally, once pitched, we never move but this was a special day and drove down to Widemouth Bay Beach with everything we could possibly need on board (because of covid) and spent the day at the beach.

We had a special birthday lunch with a beautiful sea view.

Then it was back to the site for a Birthday BBQ and nice chilled evening watching a film with a Birthday beer!

All in all this was a nice site. I’d say it’s much more suitable for families with young children. Our on board child is past the age of playing out with friends but there were lots of children running around the site having fun.

The area of Widemouth Bay is beautiful with stunning seascapes and nice golden sandy beaches.